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Goldfinger Lounge Chair


A first glance at this armchair and you would be forgiven if your mind didn't take you to some elaborate film set, then again, it looks like it would belong in such a place. The only stirring happening here is that of emotions, those that appreciate what design can conjure when given time to develop. Goldfinger is a versatile armchair with classic features. Wide seat and high back give great comfort, the back is given precedence with a functionally beautiful zip and the overall finish is heightened with the piping in either contrasting style or "ton sur ton." The result is an armchair that is graceful yet firm, soft yet imposing; it's a case study of coexistence and it does it magnificently well.


Width: 86cm

Depth: 85cm

Height: 101cm



Goldfinger Lounge Chair

1٬240٫000﷼ Regular Price
695٫000﷼Sale Price
Excluding VAT |
  • Any discrepancy should be notified within 15 days After the Delivery

  • Will be delivered within 7 working days from the Order confirmation

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